Food Additive

Maltodextrin: Unveiling the Risks of a Common Additive

Maltodextrin: Unveiling the Risks of a Common Additive

In today’s world, processed foods are an integral part of diets globally, but they often come with hidden ingredients that can have adverse effects on health. One such ingredient is maltodextrin, a widely used food additive that serves various functions, from filling out the volume of a product to increasing its shelf life. Despite its widespread use, recent studies have raised concerns about the potential health risks associated with maltodextrin, particularly its impact on individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and ulcerative colitis. This article explores the role of maltodextrin in food products, its potential dangers, and its specific effects…
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Food Additives That Trigger Leaky Gut: What to Know

Food Additives That Trigger Leaky Gut: What to Know

Leaky gut syndrome, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is a condition marked by the weakening and disruption of the intestinal lining. Under normal circumstances, the intestinal barrier selectively controls what enters the bloodstream, preventing harmful substances such as bacteria, toxins, and undigested food particles from escaping the digestive tract. However, when this barrier is compromised, it results in the so-called "leaky gut," where these substances can penetrate the bloodstream and trigger systemic inflammation. This breach can lead to a range of health issues, from minor discomforts like bloating and gas to severe problems including autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory conditions,…
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